Sound Retirement Planning Podcast

with Parker Financial bringing you clarity, confidence & freedom

Sound Retirement Planning Podcast

Welcome to the Sound Retirement Planning Podcast

Sound Retirement Planning is here to help you achieve clarity, confidence and freedom as you plan to retire.

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  • Sound Retirement Planning Podcast

450 Margins Of Safety

Welcome back to another round of Sound Retirement Radio you are listenting to episode 450 the title is Margins [...]

Retirement Planning

Retirement Budget Calculator

Retirement Budget Calculator can help you estimate your budget, life expectancy, net worth, taxes, withdrawal strategies, Roth conversions and ultimately answer the question: can I retire?

Parker Financial Private Wealth Management

Whether you are getting ready to retire, or already enjoying retirement, our team of professionals at Parker Financial LLC can help you determine a strategy that may be appropriate for your financial situation.

Do you want to transition from career to retirement, but aren’t sure how to make it work? Sound Retirement Planning offers the help you’re looking for.

Jason Parker

Jason Parker

I have a passion to help educate and inspire retiree’s to take action to achieve clarity, confidence and freedom in their retirement. I am the author of Sound Retirement Planning, the host of Sound Retirement Radio, the inventor of the Retirement Budget Calculator and the President of Parker Financial LLC.

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