Sound Retirement Planning Podcast
Since 2009 Jason Parker has been the host of Sound Retirement Planning. We are committed to bringing you concepts, ideas and strategies to help you achieve clarity, confidence and freedom as you prepare for and transition into and through retirement.
383 Live Small So You Can Live Big – Retirement Travelers John & Bev
In today's podcast episode Jason interviews John & Bev about their recent retirement and their travel around the USA [...]
382 How Much Money Is Enough To Retire?
How much money is enough to retire? In todays show Jason shares the formulas you can use to determine [...]
381 Stop Worrying About Stock Market Volatility. It’s Not Worth It
In 2008 a couple had called my office asking for an appointment we were in the midst of the [...]
380 How Long Will $1 Million Dollars Last In Retirement
In this podcast episode Jason creates a hypothetical scenario to explore how long $1 million dollars will last in retirement.
379 Why Is This Happening?
★★★★ In this podcast episode Jason shares a story he recently read and asks the question. Why is [...]
378 The 7 Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Preparing For Retirement
Avoid these 7 retirement mistakes.
377 Roth Conversions: A Good Idea?
You've been hearing a lot about Roth conversions, and you're not sure if it's the right move for you.
376 9 Questions To Ask Before You Retire
9 questions to ask before you retire.
375 The #1 Way To Ruin Your Retirement
In this podcast episode Jason looks at the #1 way to ruin your retirement and shares concepts ideas and strategies [...]