I was standing in line at airport security, and I overheard a gentleman say that he retired recently after 30 years of working for one company. The person in line asked him if he missed his work. He replied, “I don’t miss the work, but I do miss the people.”
The connections and relationships with others are what truly make life rich. One of the reasons I love the work we do is because by creating a plan for our clients we help them to live confidently and pursue the things that are most important to them. By knowing their financial lives are being managed and taken care, they can focus on the things that are most important in their lives.
Having a good plan helps folks realize a greater sense of clarity, confidence and freedom: clarity of purpose, confidence they are headed in the right dricetion and the freedom to pursue the things that are most important in their life.
If you are retired or will be retiring soon what is most important to you? Will you miss the relationships from your work? How will you spend your time?